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Me aged 11

In the 1950's all children who were in their last year at Primary school had to sit an exam. It was called the 11 plus. Those who passed went to the Grammar School where they studied Latin and Greek, were expected to go to university and then take up 'a career'. Those who failed went to the Secondary Modern, left at 16, and got a job.  

I was lucky. The 11 plus was not like the SATS tests we have nowadays. A lot of the tests we had to do involved recognising patterns of numbers and shapes like this


I was quite good at this sort of thing.

I passed and won a scholarship to

'The High School'.


My Mum and Dad were very proud.

The high school was . . . 

"A highly esteemed accademic establishment where boys were taught the traditional subjects using well-tested, time-honoured methods".

in many ways not unlike Snobberly House; the girl's school I describe in

'Gosh look Teddy, it's a werewolf' >>>>

And like the Academic Staff at Snobberly House, the teachers at my school were all...

"Highly qualified Educationalists

with many years of extensive pedagological experience behind them.".

So was it these highly qualified teachers, who first recognised my creative talents? Was it

here that my latent love of language and

literature was discovered, nurtured and developed?

Erh . . .No.



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